
Ice age 2 the meltdown
Ice age 2 the meltdown

ice age 2 the meltdown

When he stumbles back into camp the next morning, no one believes his story, insisting that he was just sleepwalking and dreamed the whole thing.

  • Cassandra Truth: Sid is kidnapped in his sleep by a tribe of mini-sloths who wish to sacrifice him to prevent the coming flood.
  • In the ending, Manny hangs upside down from a tree when he confesses his feelings to Ellie.
  • Book Ends: Manny first meets Ellie when she tries to dangle from a tree and lands in front of him.
  • Busby Berkeley Number: Vultures singing "Food Glorious Food" from Oliver!.
  • The worst result for them is getting chased by Diego.

    ice age 2 the meltdown

  • Bullying a Dragon: Crash and Eddie do this to Diego when they first meet.
  • Sid witnesses this and says, "I just did something involuntary and messy."
  • Bring My Brown Pants: A dodo gets hit by a geyser and roasted.
  • Break-Up/Make-Up Scenario: Manny and Ellie, twice.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Ellie does one after Manny says that it's their responsibility to save their species.
  • After learning of a boat on the opposite end of the valley, the animals have to evacuate there.

    ice age 2 the meltdown


    Big Dam Plot: The movie is set into motion when the characters realize that the glacier that forms one of the walls of the valley they live in has almost completely melted, creating a natural dam holding back a colossal body of water big enough to destroy their home in a flood.He similarly attacks Sid after being revived and forced out of his acorn-filled heaven.until one of them swallows his acorn whole, after which he unleashes a fury of martial arts on them, stomping on the one who ate the acorn as it's trying to get back to the water. Berserk Button: Scrat panics while being attacked by the piranhas.The UK version has Real Love by Lee Ryan (who also provided the voice of Eddie for the Italian dub of the movie).The Flemish version features the song De Andere Kant (The Other Side) by X!NK.Fans think he becomes the main protagonist and is the only Herd member to appear in the poster. Ascended Extra: Scrat has a major role and more screen time in this movie after having an Advertised Extra in the first Ice Age movie.It was not a rodent though, and lived in the Mesozoic, not in the Cenozoic, much less the last ice age. Later crosses into Accidentally Correct Writing since a prehistoric mammal discovered in 2011 was indeed squirrel-like, and did indeed have fangs. The authors have said in an interview that it was Played for Laughs. Being rodents, squirrels - even prehistoric ones - don't have canines at all. Scrat the proto-squirrel has huge saber-like canine teeth.Keeping the end of its snout continuously submerged should've drowned it. Real aardvarks have tiny mouths, and they're located at the tips of their snouts, not underneath them. A young aardvark is seen blowing bubbles in a pool of meltwater, by breathing out through its elongated snout and in through the mouth at its base.Some of the animals getting on board (though not all) even do so in male-and-female pairs.

    Ice age 2 the meltdown